Absolutely. For almost a century, Westbury Water District has been committed to providing and maintaining a top-quality supply of drinking water to every tap located within its service area. A dedicated team of water professionals works diligently on a day-to-day basis to meet the state and federal standards set for public drinking water. After extensive testing, the Nassau County Department of Health must review the results to determine whether the utility’s water supply is safe to deliver to the tap. The Westbury Water District is proud to report that the water supplied to the community meets and exceeds all regulations set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and both the New York State and Nassau County Departments of Health.
In compliance with federal and state regulations, all public drinking water suppliers are required to provide their consumers with an Annual Water Quality Report. Water consumers can read in-depth information highlighting specific water subjects such as the source of the supply, costs and treatment methods. The report also contains a table of constituents found in your public drinking water and a summary of how the levels of these particular substances compare with drinking water standards.
Westbury Water District distributes the report every spring and encourages consumers to read the information carefully, directing any additional questions to district representatives.
Residents whose public water supply meets all federal, state and local water standards do not need to buy bottled water. The Westbury Water District is proud to report that the supply delivered to its consumers meets and exceeds regulations set by the Environmental Protection Agency, New York State and Nassau County Departments of Health.
On average, Americans spend some $3 billion a year on bottled water. And, while bottled water might offer a different taste, it can cost up to 1,000 times more and is not held to the same quality standards as municipal drinking water. Of course, bottled water can be a necessary option in the event that an emergency situation occurs.
Rainwater is naturally soft, however as it seeps into the ground, trickling through the earth and into the aquifer, it picks up a variety of minerals from the soil. Hard water contains a significant amount of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, making it very difficult to create bubbles when washing dishes or taking a shower. This is the reason it is referred to as “hard.” On the other hand, the volume of calcium or magnesium found in soft water is smaller.
What type of water do Westbury Water consumers have? According to the Water Quality Association of the United States, hard water is defined as having a dissolved mineral hardness of one grain per gallon or more. Based on that guideline, the water nature provides Westbury Water District is considered to be moderately hard.
While bottled water may seem convenient when you’re on the go, refilling it repeatedly can pose a potential health risk. With a narrow neck and bumpy inner surface, it is often difficult for you or the dishwasher to clean the inside of the bottle thoroughly after each use. As a result, germs and organisms in your own saliva can build up inside the bottle over time and cause stomach distress.
The district recommends that consumers purchase a bottle designed for frequent use, such as one that has a wide mouth and smooth inner surface. Please be sure to wash the bottle thoroughly after each use, allowing it to completely air dry before filling with delicious Westbury tap water.
No. All basic vinyl garden hoses contain substances to help keep it flexible for outdoor use. These substances, which get into the water as it flows through the hose, are not good for you and could be a potential health risk.
Hoses are sometimes used to assist in the application of fertilizers and other chemicals to your lawn, especially during the summer months. With this in mind, it’s never a good idea to drink from the same source, since there is a chance that such substances can linger on or around the hose and be ingested.
The Westbury Water District recommends storing water for six months in any airtight container that will not rust, such as a plastic jug. Please be reminded that after this six-month storage period, disinfectants will slowly dissipate and the water is no longer safe to drink.
Try this helpful hint: to extend the shelf life of your supply up to one year, consumers can boil their water for one minute.
Of course, all water should be kept in a cool location.
Every public water supplier on Long Island provides their consumers with groundwater that is naturally filtered as it passes through the multiple layers of the earth. After moving through the soil, the purified water replenishes a series of underground reservoirs known as aquifers. The Westbury Water District maintains 10 deep wells that are drilled into the Magothy aquifer. This supply travels through 92 miles of water mains and is delivered right to the tap of every consumer within the five-square-mile service area.
No. About 60 years ago, scientists believed that adding the compound to the public drinking water supply would aid in the prevention of tooth decay among Long Island residents. However, it was soon discovered that exposure to too much fluoride can cause certain adverse health effects. Therefore, public water suppliers in both Nassau and Suffolk Counties felt it was in the public’s best interest to stop adding it.