Progress is Happening – Treatment Plant Update

May 24, 2023

Westbury Water District is pleased to report on the progress of its new state-of-the-art water treatment plant at the Drexel Avenue location and its adjacent wells, Well 6 and 7A. This initial construction is part of our 5-Year Capital Improvement Campaign, designed to upgrade and renovate the facility and surrounding infrastructure.

The Drexel Avenue plant will protect the quality and safety of our community’s drinking water supply, now and into the future.

The new facility includes Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) treatment and Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration treatment, processes found to remove organic and inorganic contaminants, including 1,4-dioxane, PFOS and PFOA.

Construction on the new plant, located at the site of the former maintenance building on Drexel Avenue, began early this year. The District is on target to complete the project in the latter half of 2024.


• Abatement and removal of the Drexel Avenue building’s facade is complete and construction of exterior finishes for the new offices have begun.

• Demolition of the former garage has been successfully completed, and excavation is underway.

• Demolition of the existing office building interiors has begun, and offices have been temporarily moved to office trailers to ensure continuity of business activities.

• Installation of underground piping to and from the plant continues and is ongoing.

• New foundations for the construction of treatment plant are currently being installed.